Little From The Fish Shop

Gallery - Little From The Fish Shop 16445 0 16445 0 16445 0 16445 0 16445 0 16445 0 16445 0 16445 0 REEL - Little From The Fish Shop Responsible for: 3D models, textures, shaders, rigs, animation, fx simulations, lighting and render.

The Last Children of Aporver

The Last Children of Aporver 13523 0 13523 0 13523 0 13523 0 13523 0 13523 0 13523 0 Aporver - Sykona Responsible for: 3D models of environment and characters, textures, rigs, animation, vfx sim, lighting and render.

Goat Story 2

Goat Story 2 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 13608 0 Responsible for: character and environment lighting.

Little Witch on a Broomstick

Saxana a Lexikon kouzel 16523 0 16523 0 16523 0 16523 0 Saxana Reel Responsible for: character and environment lighting and render setup.

Monkey Tales

Responsible for: character rigging, animation, shaders, lighting and render.


Hurveenek Teaser Hurveenek 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 11693 0 Responsible for: character rigging, shaders, layout animation, lighting and render.